Thursday, 14 January 2010

There & Back

Now that my uni work is out of the way I've been working feverishly on getting a beta ready for my L4D2 campaign. My plan is to block out all 3 maps and have them playable from start to finish, albeit in a low-detailed form. I'm using textures, props and lighting where necessary to convey the setting and mood but not going overboard in case I have to change a lot after testing.

The first two maps are nearly finished in this simple beta form. You can play the first one here or here or wait for both of them in a VPK addon file which I should have ready in the next few days.


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Level Diagrams

You can see some changes I made to the route of Map 2. The route is longer and will take the survivors through more of the run-down exterior areas, partially revealing what happened at the evacuation centre. The barracks are now at the top right near the bunker and they will act as the last main location the survivors visit before the finale.


I'm focusing on the barracks to try and make it a memorable location with some interesting gameplay. An example of this is the panic room crescendo. Survivors drop down into a room and must hold off the infected attack while the door slowly opens. I've cunningly placed a defibrillator in this room, meaning that if survivors want to bring back a dead companion they will have to weigh it up against wading through the hordes of zombies and delaying their escape to the panic room (safe room).


Let me know what you think!

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